Protect Your Lanes With Neo-Tac Lane Conditioners & Cleaners
Tired of carry down issues from your current lane oil? Looking for a better lane cleaner? Then you’re in the right place. Try our premium bowling lane conditioners & cleaners and you won’t go back to anything else!!
Frank at Neo-tac has great passion for his products and the bowlers who use his products. I’ve been using Neo-tac for over 10 years now, since they were recommended by Mo Pinel and I have yet to be disappointed. The flagship product for the brand “Hook-IT” is still, by far, the most effective product on the market I’ve tried for keeping my equipment clean and oil free. I own a revivor oven at home, by using Neo-tac products after every outing I’ve found very little oil comes out of the ball during the reviving process after 100 games because the cleaner is so effective. Neo-tac is a small business with big heart. Try Neo-tac, like I did and you’ll find there is no reason to use anything else.
Thanks for giving Funtime Bowl the samples!! Everything your brochure promoted was spot on. Backends stay consistent and out of range pins have ended. I know of the scores at Gates Bowl, and that was how I convinced Chris to get with you. Looking forward to a great season at Funtime Bowl for all of the bowlers!!
I’m very satisfied with the quality of your products. When we first opened we had a picture of what kind of lane conditions we wanted to produce for our valued customers who are on the more competitive side of the bowling league base. After testing and trying a variety of different conditioners and cleaners we settled on Future synthetic conditioner and the 8:1 cleaner. We have found carry down issues of out of ranges and ball calls almost non-existent. Scores increased all around from different styles of players. Most important to us is we have noticed greater consistency day to day in our lane conditions, and a higher resistance to the ever changing building environment we experience in our large old center — a huge bonus. Thank you.
Hi Frank, I have no problem endorsing your products. I know I have been using them for over twenty some years. I used Black Gold back in my Ideal Lanes ownership and had a record number of honor scores. My 16 lane center led our association with honor scores that year. Still using your products and to date my scores are great, and I love the way your lane oil does not migrate down the lane and has no transfer to our pin spotters. My customers are happy because they are not getting dirty and there is no smell to your products. Can’t tell you how happy we are using your lane oil and cleaner. You may not be the biggest company, but you are the BEST. Thanks for everything!
I am a PBA member and have been a bowling proprietor for 32 years, Local and State HOF, State BPAA and Local BPAA past President, past BPAA BOD. I have been using Neo-Tac products for over 20 years. Frank has also supported the PBA Senior Regional Tournament we have had at this center for 20+ years. Neo-Tac has some of the best quality products on the market!
We have found Black Gold to be a fantastic lane conditioner, providing a very predictable ball reaction with minimal carry-down on our lanes. When coupled with Future lane cleaner, it is a very cost-effective combination that serves our center’s bowlers well. Frank and team at Neo-Tac have been a great partner of ours, with rocket-fast shipping and great service.